All manuscripts should be submitted complete; this includes, where relevant, all references, figures (editable), tables (editable), supplements, legends, etc. Authors are responsible for the content and accuracy of all references.
The author(s) warrant(s) that the paper is the original work of the author(s) and has not been published before / has not been submitted for consideration to other journal / conference. The author(s) warrant(s) that the paper contains no libelous or other unlawful statements, and does not infringe on the rights of others. If excerpts from copyrighted works are included, the author(s) has (have) obtained written permission for publication in print and electronic format from the copyright owners and will credit the sources available.
EJIS Template Article
1. The article must be submitted in English. The submission must include: Cover page with author(s) name, affiliation, email, ORCID for each auhtor & blind manuscript (manuscript without author(s) information).
2. The cover page of the submission should include
the title of the article, the name of the author(s), institutional affiliation,
email addresses, and valid ORCIDs for all authors.
- Title: Times New Roman, bold, 14 pt., space 6 above and 6 below, centered.
- Name of the author(s): Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, centered, below the title. The family name / surname should be in capital letters.
- Author(s) affiliation, email address, ORCID: Times New Roman, 10 pt., italic
3. Abstracts of 10-20 lines summarizing the primary argument(s) and findings in the article should be included at the beginning of the article.
- Abstract: Times New Roman, 10 pt., italic
4. Keywords: Times New Roman 12 pt., maximum 5 keywords. Keywords are separated by semicolons (;)
5. JEL classification 2-digit codes (can be found at JEL codes are separated by semicolons (;)
6. Articles should be of reasonable length.
7. The pages of the typescript should be numbered in consecutive sequence. Page numbering: position bottom right, Times New Roman, 12 pt.
8. All articles must be typed in a Microsoft Word file.
9. For subtitles (sub-headings) use Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, space 6 above and 6 below, left justified.
10. For main text font use Times New Roman, 12 pt., justified.
11. Articles should be single spaced and have 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins.
12. Please separate paragraphs by using 6pt. spacing before the paragraph.
13. Please use footnotes, not endnotes
14. Tables and Figures:
- Number
tables / figures consecutively as they appear in the text. Center tables /
figures close in the text where they are first mentioned. If possible
insert the table / figure at the end of a paragraph. Do not split tables /
figures across two pages. If there is not enough room at the bottom of a
page, continue your text and place the table at the top of the next page.
- Each
table / figure must be discussed in the text of the article.
- Each
table / figure must have a label (title) beginning with the table number
and describing the contents. The label needs to inform the reader what the
table / figure presents (coefficients, means, percentages, rates, etc.),
the time frame, and the geographical coverage.
- Each row and column of a table must have a heading.
- All tables / figures should mention the source as footnote to the table / figure (either author’s conceptualisation or drawn/ adapted from a published source). Authors alone are responsible for obtaining the permission for the reproduction of previously published tables / figures.
15. The Reference List or Bibliography:
- Times
New Roman, 10 pt. Paragraph space before 4 pt. Justified.
- All documents cited in the article are presented within the text of the article, and at the same time, listed in a single alphabetical list at the end of the article. The list is arranged by the author's family name or title if no author is present.
- References should be listed according to the APA Citation Style Guidelines. Details can be found at
- It is mandatory to provide the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for each publication (if it has been assigned). To search for the DOI, please visit: .