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Studies and researches
Vol. 16 Issue 2 - 12/2024
Global Skills and Abilities for Economic Fresh Graduates in Romania. Analysis of Employers’ Demand for Global Competences Through Online Ads
Literature recognizes that labour market presents particularities that lead to imperfection in the formation of the demand and supply of competences. Also, in late years, many companies have more and more cross - border operations and are looking for employees that have skills and abilities that give them the ability to perform in a globalized environment. Furthermore, studies conducted along the years showed that it is difficult for universities to have a clear projection regarding the demand for skills and abilities and for that reason, curricula are harder to keep up with the real trends registered on labour market. For that motive, a periodical analysis of labour market requirements is necessary for each profession and for different employment levels. Starting from these considerations, in this study, it is proposed to identify the skills and abilities demanded by employers through online ads for entry level higher education Economist vacancies in Romania. The methodology is based on a qualitative method: the content analysis of LinkedIn ads for entry level higher education Economist and the used instrument is the contingency matrix. For the present analysis, there were used 200 nonrepetitive ads recorded on LinkedIn Romania for junior higher education Economics, between February and July 2024. The results show that, in general, regardless of job main duties, employers want to recruit graduates that have specific skills and abilities which help them to perform and adapt to a diverse and internationalized work environment. Read more
Labour market, HE graduates, global skills and abilities (GSA), online job ads data, LinkedIn

I23, F66, J23
Studies and researches
Vol. 16 Issue 2 - 12/2024
The Sustainability of PAYG Pension Schemes: A Comparative Analysis (1993–2023)
The most common policy response to pension account deficit appears to be increasing age of retirement. Many countries with PAYG pension schemes have been experiencing this bitter reality. This paper brings to evidence some parameters of PAYG pension schemes neglected in short political cycles, but important from the long-term perspectives. We use data from the Czech Republic and Germany, two economies close geographically and by population structure, yet different in pension schemes tradition and economic development. By a comparative analysis we show in detailed parameters that a balanced family policy combined with macroeconomic policies may allow keeping retirement age fixed in a sustainable PAYG pension scheme. Read more
PAYG pension scheme, retirement age, aging population, total fertility, average age of the mother at birth, life expectancy

H75, H55, J32
Studies and researches
Vol. 16 Issue 2 - 12/2024
An Imperial Snapshot: Colonial Anxiety and Picture Postcards in Early c.20 Indonesia
This article examines the concept of colonial anxiety through the prism of printed postcards sent from the colonial Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia, during the early twentieth century. The argument is that picture postcards featuring colonial images or scenes act as multimodal forms of communication, allowing the sender to promulgate colonial-imperial assumptions while sending an often-banal tourist message to friends and family back home. The study approaches the topic by examining the postcolonial exchange in terms of a symbolic structure through which the coloniser and the colonial society produce symbolic knowledge, through items such as picture postcards, to portray their authority and knowledge of the colonised other. This is contextualised with the Lacanian understanding of structural anxiety to demonstrate the slippage which occurs when symbolic knowledge breaks down. Finally, this article calls for a more inclusive debate on colonial anxiety, drawing attention to the relative lack of definition of the term and the tendency for certain former colonies, such as Indonesia, to be excluded from discussion in favour of the oft-used South Asian example. Read more
Colonial anxiety, colonial postcards, imperial photography, material culture, Orientalism

Studies and researches
Vol. 16 Issue 2 - 12/2024
The Evolution of Natural Gas Market Integration: From Regional Segmentation to Global Interconnectedness. Insights from a Literature Review
This article provides a review of academic studies on natural gas market integration, tracing the shift from regional segmentation to global interconnectedness. It explores the roles of market liberalization, infrastructure development, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade growth in transforming the global gas landscape. By analyzing key methodological approaches, the review highlights the progression of integration in European, North American, and Asian markets. The findings underscore the increasing interconnectedness of gas markets, the challenges of achieving full global integration, and the implications for pricing, investment, and energy security. Read more
Gas market integration, gas trading, liquefied natural gas (LNG), European gas market, cointegration

Q40, L95, G12, L16
Studies and researches
Vol. 16 Issue 2 - 12/2024
Examining Tertiary Education Amid the War in Ukraine: A Synthetic Control Approach
War consistently imposes significant challenges to the functioning and advancement of higher education. To identify the key trends in the development of tertiary education in Ukraine during 2014-2021 amid the war, the synthetic control method (SCM) was employed. The outcome variable for assessing tertiary education development is the gross enrolment ratio of the relevant age group. The broadest set of predictors influencing the dependent variable, for which statistical data is available on the World Bank website, consists of eighteen indicators. Through statistical and expert analysis, sixteen countries were selected for inclusion in the control group. The pre-war period was defined as 2000-2013, with 2014 marking the war’s onset, and 2015-2021 representing the war years. In the first stage, a synthetic model is constructed using the broadest possible dataset. In the second stage, the model’s sensitivity is analyzed, leading to the reduction of predictors to thirteen and the control group to ten countries. Consequently, the adequate synthetic model for the development of tertiary education in Ukraine from 2014 to 2021 was established. A placebo test confirmed that the observed gap between actual and synthetic values for tertiary education in Ukraine is not coincidental. The SCM analysis revealed that, without the war, a decline in demand in tertiary education would have been predicted for the 2014-2021 period. The observed gap underscores the significant impact of the war on Ukraine’s higher education system, providing valuable insights for shaping policy initiatives aimed at advancing tertiary education in the post-war era. Read more
Higher education, synthetic control method, treated unit, control units, predictors, forecasting

I23, C14, C87
Studies and researches
Vol. 16 Issue 2 - 12/2024
Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis for Electromobility: The Case of European Union Regions
Greening the economy reduces environmental costs through more efficient use of resources, while new eco-friendly technologies and techniques help boost employment, and give new impetus to the economy. Environmental policy can help achieve strategic objectives for smart, sustainable and overall growth. The presented study is part of the subject of resource management in accordance with the assumptions of sustainable development. The study aims to compare the development of the use of electric vehicles in the countries of Europe. Indicating the degree of development and differences between countries can be helpful in developing a strategy in this area, both for individual countries and a single strategy for the region. The study used data from a survey conducted for the purpose of work on a sample of 312 people from the Union European countries. Comparative analysis and tools from the field of multivariate statistical analysis were used in the work. Models based on multi-criteria analysis are implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected subjects. The research has demonstrated the importance of national legislative action to promote this mode of transport. We focused on comparing demographically comparable countries such as Slovakia and Finland. The research has shown that Electromobility is a good choice for reducing passenger transport emissions. It is essential that the weakest countries have to invest in the infrastructure needed to run electric vehicles. This is an important step to achieve greater interest in this alternative power source. Read more
multi-criteria, electric car, entropy, TOPSIS, WSA

O38, R42, P51
Studies and researches
Vol. 16 Issue 2 - 12/2024
Stains That Can’t be Washed: Empirically Evaluating Company’s Harm Inflicted by Greenwashing and Social Washing
Companies face consequences if they attempt to build a positive image among consumers based on false impressions or misleading information – the so-called “washing” strategies. Firstly, this article aims to identify the influence of such strategies on consumers’ perception of a company; secondly, it seeks to compare the effects of green and social washing. We hypothesize that both greenwashing and social washing lead consumers to negatively evaluate a company on several dimensions (i.e., perceived brand quality, perceived financial performance, attitude toward the brand, and willingness to buy its products). To test our hypotheses, we conducted an experiment that presented 590 respondents with one of three situations that reflected the use of greenwashing, social washing, or neither. We found that both greenwashing and social washing correlated with negative evaluations of the offending company; however, greenwashing was more harmful for brand image than social washing. Read more
greenwashing, social washing, brand attitude, perceived financial performance, willingness to buy

Studies and researches
Vol. 16 Issue 2 - 12/2024
The Endeavor to Develop the Public Administration: Innovation as an Alternative Approach for Future Advancements
Public administration innovation is multifaceted and complex process and requires theoretical and empirical research. Institutional change for innovation involves a relation between human capital development and the innovation process, as the core idea of having a different mindset to deal with existing methodologies and obstacles. This article consists of qualitative research based on in-depth interviews on a panel of governmental representatives regarding the situation of innovation in the public administration in Romania. It explores the multifaceted nature of change and innovation, particularly within public administration in a broader societal context. The research objectives pursue to uncover a general perspective on the public administration innovation process; to cluster the main barriers in chasing innovation in public administration in Romania; and to identify possible solutions to innovate the public administration. The research underscores the critical role of human capital development and digital infrastructure in fostering adaptable societies. Effective integration necessitates equipping citizens with digital competencies and strategically managing human resources. The paper advocates for the need for active engagement of stakeholders, for less fragmented legislative frame and a better coordination between public policies and a more structured, cohesive approach to public administration innovation.
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Innovation process, public administration, human capital, government policy, Romania

O38, H83, O35
Studies and researches
Vol. 16 Issue 2 - 12/2024
Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Economy: A Systematic Literature Review for Greece
Recent research has increasingly explored the nexus between energy consumption and economic growth, with a particular focus on energy economics. Key factors driving this growing interest include environmental protection, the expansion of renewable energy sources, and recurrent energy crises, all of which have stimulated interdisciplinary investigations, particularly within the field of economics. This study conducts a systematic literature review of research related to Greece over the period 1994–2023, examining the relationship between energy consumption—both renewable and non-renewable—and economic growth. The paper categorizes and presents the methodologies employed, the thematic areas explored, the broader research classifications, the volume of studies, and the evolution of research in this domain. Special emphasis is placed on methodological approaches, including econometric techniques as well as emerging research trends that shape the field. Additionally, the study documents Greece’s legislative trajectory in renewable energy and compares findings with corresponding European studies. Identified research gaps include the need for longitudinal analyses and comparative policy assessments. The conclusions underscore the pivotal role of renewable energy in economic development and policymaking, offering insights and directions for future research. Read more
Energy economics, Greece, growth, renewable energy sources

O13, P18, P28
EJIS is published under the research grant no. 91-058/2007 The Development of Interdisciplinary Academic Research Aimed at Enhancing the Romanian Universities International Competitiveness, coordinated by The Bucharest University of Economic Studies and financed by CNMP Romania.
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