Studies and researches
Revising the Curriculum of Governance Teaching Post COVID-19
Governance has become a common part of teaching curriculums for most
business schools, public administration schools and other related faculties.
This paper questions the content of governance curriculums taught before
COVID-19 pandemic in 5 European countries and provides a comparative
assessment. Research findings indicate that apart from teaching general
governance courses, governance is most often taught as specific for certain
organizational or industrial context. This is followed with governance from
perspective of leadership and change management, but also governance within
business administration discipline of strategy. However, the intensity of
governance as a topic within curriculums differs significantly. Only limited
number of curriculums include resilience topics which have proven their
importance during COVID-19 pandemic. Findings of this paper can be used to
develop unitary and internationalized curriculums on governance studies at European
universities in a post COVID-19 world.
governance, teaching curriculum, resilience, COVID-19
I21, I23, G34
I21, I23, G34