Studies and researches
Bitcoin is so Last Decade – How Decentralized Finance (DeFi) could Shape the Digital Economy
Ever since the Global Financial Crisis, the
financial system has seen an accelerated level of innovation. Bitcoin offered a
decentralized alternative to money, with thousands of other cryptoassets
quickly emerging. Most recently, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) promises to offer
a new digital economy, with smart contracts replacing the need for financial
intermediaries. This new market aims to reinvent traditional financial products
in a more transparent and interoperable way. In this paper we aim to undertake
an extensive literature review of the financial stability risks posed by the
fast-growing DeFi market and assess these using the Financial Stability Board’s
fintech framework. We find that DeFi could pose several challenges to
traditional financial infrastructure, primarily by increasing interlinkages
between cryptoassets and traditional financial markets. However, if DeFi
evolves in a safe way, it could increase competition and financial inclusion
with overall positive implications for financial stability.
DeFi, financial stability, fintech, cryptoasset, cryptocurrency
O30, C88, E44, G29
O30, C88, E44, G29