Studies and researches
University Outreach, Indigenous Knowledge, and Education: A Project with the Pataxó in Brazil
University outreach in Brazil is a way of inserting
external society into the procedures and activities developed in the academic
field. The objective of this study was to investigate the interaction between
the Pataxó indigenous community and a Brazilian higher education institution
for the implementation of a university outreach action. This action aimed to
promote the training of teachers of this indigenous group to work in multigrade
classrooms. The project’s construction began in 2018 through an institutional
partnership involving the city hall of Porto Seguro, the Pataxó community, and
the Federal Institute of Bahia. Based on the protagonism of the indigenous groups,
the role of the higher education institution in programs involving traditional
communities is discussed. The result indicates that the protagonism of the
traditional community does not take away the powers of the institution that
will offer the training but adds quality to an equitable relationship with the
different sectors of Brazilian society.
participatory education, university outreach, indigenous education, Pataxó