Studies and researches
The Euro-Atlantic Divergences and the Economic Impact of the Iranian Nuclear Issue
United States and the Europe have been coordinated each other several times,
especially after World War II. But, there have been some divergences between
them in recent years, especially in economic terms. The American and the
European views are different regarding a series of world economy issues,
including bilateral trade relations, the attitude towards China, Russia and
their influences, military defence, energy supply, but also about the Iranian
influence in the Middle East. This paper aims to analyze the Euro-Atlantic
divergences from the Iranian nuclear issue perspective, in order to study the
economic impact on the economies involved. The different views regarding this
issue determine different economic effects; the most affected being the Iranian
economy, even if the European Union tried to reduce the consequences of the
American withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal. The new American paradigm,
determined by the Trump administration, is looking to increase the United
States influence over the world economy and to eliminate the poor trade
relations, which caused numerous trade deficits. From the Iranian nuclear issue
the most advantaged economy is the Chinese one, whose trade relations with Iran
increased, while the American withdraw seems to be a good choice for the United
States economy, generating trade benefits.
world economic powers, EU influence, US supremacy, US-China competition
F02, F31, F51, F53, O50
F02, F31, F51, F53, O50