Studies and researches
Protecting Mental Health in the Epoch of Virtualization
Humanity creates virtual realities with their
own space-time which are frightening and demand their own rules. The purpose is
describing an instrument for the cyber sphere normative regulation to protect
mental health. Three key concepts are developed: psyche as the independent
physical force that creatively regulates information-energy exchange in its
movement between levels of virtualization driven by meanings; informational
technology as a source of the special danger; custom as a source for technology
immunity forming. Collective intelligence should be used for creating a global
crowd platform to self-regulate the fast-developing and unpredictable virtual
space. Concept description is the first step to form sensitive collective
perception. The next steps are project plan and team development, a pilot project
realization. The platform’s advantages are the combination of Wiki projects
enthusiasm with laconism of Moses’ Ten Commandments; creating fast-reacted
sources of law for private relations named custom in international and local
jurisdictions; activation the power of self-enforcing agreement as everybody is
co-creator, involved in discussion and decision-making in epic scale. The
programming means are wiki software, blockchain, artificial neural networks.
Society receives an efficient supranational instrument for fast-reacted
self-regulation. This integrated approach is necessary for a new stage of
Anthropocene when we all create the unitary social network of quite different
virtual reality, digitization, collective activity, knowledge management, self-regulation
D8, E71, I31, K24
D8, E71, I31, K24