Studies and researches
Young Romanians: Entrepreneurs in their Home Country?
As outward migration and brain drain reach record
numbers in Romania, we explore the pull factors that might contribute to a
reversal. This paper presents the findings of the first large scale survey on
the entrepreneurial intentions of the Romanian Diaspora. We have specifically
targeted the category of graduates and young professionals as having the
highest flexibility to relocate. The findings of our survey show a large
inclination to start a business venture in the home country (79%). The main
field in which the young Romanian Diaspora would be interested to develop an
entrepreneurial project is IT&C (35.67%). We compare those findings with
those from a domestic survey targeting the same age group, and find little
differences in preferences, suggesting that country of residence is not a
significant differentiating factor in the decision to start a business. The
main perceived impediment for entrepreneurship in Romania is still excessive
bureaucracy (76.03%). The reverse migration patterns are important for any
developing economy in the world, as the case of Romania shows, where the return
of the 200,000 Romanians (5%) could (gradually) contribute on the medium term
with more than 11.5 billion euro to the country’s GDP.
entrepreneurship, Romania, Diaspora, outward migration, EU funding
O15, M20, D84
O15, M20, D84