Studies and researches
“Destructive Communications” as a Factor of Threat to Pedagogical Employees’ Occupational Health
article analyzes the results of a complex study on psychological prevention of
threat to the health of the subjects in educational space. The main
professional threats to the pedagogical employees' health in the educational
organizations are analyzed by the parameter of information and communications
in the structure of educational organization. It's emphasized that long-lasting
discomfort in professional communications determines the exhaustion of
organism’s resources and changes of central coordinative mechanisms that lead
to the restriction of the organism's adaptive abilities and after becomes the
precondition for the development of different illnesses. A number of factors,
including signs of communicative discomfort, can be treated as potentially possible
threats for pedagogue's occupational health, are identified: criticism,
especially unjustified, communicated in rude, humbling or mocking manner;
mobbing (infliction of emotional distress at the working-place); negative forms
of professional communications (problematic relationships with colleagues,
parents, students, barriers in professional communication, unjustified
aggression among collective members, internal group favouritism, gossiping
etc.); conflicts in professional environment; authoritarianism (lack of tact
and temperance, excessive self-confidence, willingness to dominate etc.);
intensive everyday stress; “inadequate” management style; envy among the
collective members.
communicative discomfort, destructive communications, threat of occupational health, mobbing, conflicts in a professional environment