The main purpose of this paper is to define and explore the People-oriented elements in the corporate social responsibility strategies of the banking industry in Romania based on the ‘triple bottom line’ theory. Taking into consideration the particular position of the social issues in the CSR mechanism, this research can provide useful insights in the Romanian banking sector assessment, and thus help the bank managers to better integrate the community needs in their CSR agenda and to report the CSR outputs according to the ‘triple bottom line’ approach. The present paper analyses the CSR visibility in the Romanian banking industry, identifying the main reasons behind the CSR decisions, trying to distinguish between different CSR dimensions through a coding process that will reveal the dominant theme of CSR activity in the mentioned sector. In more specific terms, the majority of the banking institutions from the sample have focused on the social dimension of CSR, suggesting a leading direction for the social responsible actions in the current Romanian banking system, with direct implications on CSR communication, reputation or client’s perceptions.
people, corporate social responsibility, bank
M14, G21