Studies and researches
The Cross-Roads to Digital: Newspaper Models and the Change to an Industry
The slow growth in online marketing revenue for newspapers and the industry’s development of online models has not been enough to stop the industry’s pending demise. This problem has arisen from the increased access to free and more recent content on the internet, supplying the consumers with their demand for news. Due to the abundant information available on the internet, consumers are used to having the information they want almost instantly. Newspapers are only one of many suppliers for this demand. The industry’s focus centres on whether they can they keep up with the rapid pace of demand for information and maintain a profitable organization. This paper first analyzes the current research trends, and the different industry business models. The paper then identifies the key attributes of the industry business models. The paper finally validates that the identified attributes can be used to predict the potential success of the newly introduced business models in the industry.
business model, news industry, e-commerce, newspaper, digital revenue
M31, M37
M31, M37